




26 April 2016






The name of the organization is the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF AEROSPACE DENTISTRY, herein known as IAAD, with headquarters located at the office of the Secretary of IAAD.






The IAAD is an international professional organization, which vision, mission, and goals are:


Vision Statement: The International Leader in Aviation, Space, and Environmental Dentistry.


Mission Statement: Advance dental medicine, science, technology, and procedures to promote and enhance the health, safety, and performance of those involved in aviation, space, and related activities.




  1. To highlight the contribution of dentistry to aviation, space, and environmental medicine, as it applies to normal, accident investigation, and emergency-response operations.


  1. To promote information exchange, collaborative research opportunities, and world-wide cooperation between clinical, scientific, academic, forensic, and other resources as a means of supporting advances in dental medicine, science, technology, and procedures of benefit to operations in aviation, space, and other stressful environments.


  1. To represent the discipline of dental medicine to professional, commercial, military, academic, and governmental organizations world-wide and advocate policies and standards so as to enhance the health, safety, and performance of those involved in aviation, space, and related activities.







Section 1. IAAD membership requires a genuine interest in dentistry consistent with any part of Article II. There will be two (2) types of members:


  1. Members who hold a doctorate degree in dentistry, medicine, or the life sciences (e.g., D.D.S., DMD, BDS, M.D., D.O., or Ph.D.).
  2. All others, including students.


Section 2. A member shall retain membership and be recognized as a member in good standing of the IAAD’s current fiscal year plus one month if dues are paid within that year.


Section 3. A person who is delinquent in membership dues is not qualified to exercise any right or privilege of membership in the organization.






Section 1. The IAAD shall meet annually at the time and place proposed by the Board of Governors the previous year during the IAAD annual meeting. A quorum at any duly convened meeting of IAAD shall consist of one-third (1/3) of the board members present at the meeting.


Section 2. Special Meetings of the IAAD shall be convened upon submission of a written request to the Board of Governors approved by at least one-third (1/3) of the active membership or one-third (1/3) of the Board of Governors. In the case of a special meeting, the petitioning members will state the business item(s) to be considered with particularity. Any Special Meeting of the IAAD shall require that all members be individually notified of the time and place of the meeting at least thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting. Given the international nature of the IAAD, all IAAD members shall be responsible to provide current contact information to the IAAD Secretary.   The meeting notice will specify the time and place of the meeting and the item(s) of business to be considered. No other business shall be heard other than that originally specified by the petitioning members.


Section 3. The working language of the organization shall be in both English and Spanish whenever possible. However, a wider selection of languages is encouraged wherein this is economically feasible.











Section 1. Members: The governing body of IAAD shall be a Board of Governors consisting of six (6) elected voting Officers: The President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, a Member-At-Large, and the Immediate Past President. The duties of the Officers shall be in accordance with those duties specified in this article. All of the Officers of the organization will serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for necessary and appropriate expenses upon approval by the Board of Governors in accordance with Section 3 of Article VII.


Section 2. Eligibility: An Officer must be a member in good standing of the organization for at least one year. The position of President and Vice-President shall be filled only by members possessing a doctorate degree in dentistry.


Section 3. Resignation: A member of the Board of Governors may resign at any time by providing written notice to the President.


Section 4. Removal: After prior written notice and an opportunity to be heard before the Board of Governors, a member of the Board can be removed by a simple majority vote of the other members of the Board at a special meeting called for that purpose. Failure to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the Board of Governors may constitute automatic removal without notice. In addition, action or behavior against the IAAD, its mission, or other behavior deemed by the Board detrimental to the IAAD may be grounds for removal.


Section 5. Authority: The Board of Governors shall be empowered to transact business in the name of IAAD between the Annual or Special Meetings of IAAD. It shall not financially obligate IAAD in any manner that will require increased dues or assessments. A quorum for the Board of Governors shall consist of four (4) Board members. Any action required or permitted to be taken at any meeting of the Board of Governors may be taken without a meeting if the text of the resolution or matter agreed upon is sent to all members of the Board and simple majority consent to such action in writing or by electronic mail is secured. Such consent shall have the same force and effect as a vote of the Board of Governors at a meeting and will be described as such in any document executed by the organization.


Section 6. Nominations and Elections: A Nominations Committee shall be formulated each year for the purpose of nominating the elected Officers of IAAD for the coming year. A minimum of two (2) names from the active membership will be nominated for the Office of President. Officers shall be elected by ballot distributed by e-mail to members in good standing not later than thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting. A short biography of those members nominated for President shall be provided in this ballot. Members may write-in candidates on the ballot.  The election of Officers for the succeeding year shall be made by a plurality of those voting. The Officers elected shall take office at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting. No candidate for office shall be nominated who has not first consented to serve if elected.


Section 7. Vacancies: If the office of President becomes vacant, the Vice-President will assume the duties of President for the unexpired term. If the office of the Vice-President becomes vacant, the Board of Governors will elect one of its members for the unexpired term. If any other office becomes vacant, the Board of Governors shall elect, by simple majority vote, an eligible member to fill the office for the unexpired term. Service in an office for the unexpired term does not make the Officer ineligible for nomination or election to that office or any other office for the terms assigned to the same.


Section 8. Meetings: The Board of Governors shall meet annually. It shall formulate and make recommendations to the IAAD for consideration and action. Special Meetings of the Board of Governors may be called at the discretion of the President or by written request by four or more members of the Board of Governors. Minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Governors will be open to inspection by any member of the organization. Any member of the Board of Governors may participate in a meeting of the Board or a Committee of the Board by means of conference telephone or other venue by which all participants in the meeting are able to hear one another, or by documented and signed proxy. Such participation will constitute presence in person at the meeting. Members of the organization may attend all meetings of the Board of Directors and will have a voice, but not a vote, when so attending.


Section 9. Provisional Leadership: The formulation of this association will require provisional leadership in the form of an acting president so as to coordinate the election of the initial slate of officers, preparation and approval of these bylaws, and ensure the fulfillment of other requirements. To accomplish these efforts, the acting president shall appoint an acting Board of Governors composed of him/herself, an acting vice-president, an acting secretary, an acting treasurer, and an acting member-at-large. Serving in this manner shall be temporary in nature and shall end upon the approval of these Bylaws and the election of the first Board of Governors of the IAAD. This first such election shall take place at the first annual meeting of the association in the manner prescribed by the acting Board.   All others shall follow the provisions stated in Section 6 of Article V.   The provisional officers discussed herein shall not be precluded from running for election for any of the positions of the Board of Governors and for the full term assigned to each.






Section 1. The President shall hold office for two (2) years and shall not be eligible for reelection consecutively. The President supervises the affairs of the organization in accordance with all policies and directives approved by the Board of Governors. The President shall chair the Board of Governors and is empowered to call Board of Governors Special Meetings. The President shall develop the agenda and chair the IAAD Annual Meeting. The President shall appoint the IAAD Historian and the Chairperson of all special committees. Unless otherwise provided in these bylaws, the President may appoint special assistants or consultants, as she or he deems necessary and appropriate. Special assistants and consultants will serve without compensation. In the event the President-Elect is unable to succeed the President, the President shall continue in office for an additional term. At the close of the elected term of office, the President will direct all past IAAD records of historical value to the IAAD Historian.


Section 2. The Vice-President shall hold office for two (2) years and may not be eligible for reelection, consecutively. The Vice-President assumes the duties of the President when the President is unable to perform his or her duties or absent from meetings at which the President would reside. The Vice-President chairs the Membership Committee. At the close of the elected term of office, the Vice-President will direct all past IAAD records of historical value to the IAAD Historian.


Section 3. The Secretary shall hold office for three (3) years and may be eligible for reelection indefinitely. The Secretary keeps minutes and records of all meetings of the organization and the Board of Governors; keeps the roster of membership of the organization; receives and keeps as property of the organization all documents, addresses, and reports to and of the organization; gives all notices as required by these bylaws; and generally performs all duties customary to the Office of Secretary. The meeting minutes shall be read to the general membership by the Secretary at the next appropriate meeting. The Secretary shall process all IAAD correspondence as directed by the President. The Secretary will maintain current membership records in collaboration with the Treasurer. At the close of the elected term of office, the Secretary will direct all past IAAD records to the IAAD Historian.


Section 4. The Treasurer shall hold office for three (3) years and may be eligible for reelection indefinitely. The Treasurer receives and supervises the safekeeping and expenditure of the funds and investments of the organization; prepares and distributes budget reports at appropriate meetings of the Board of Directors or Members; supervises the procedures of receipt, collection, recording, and safekeeping of all funds as well as the procedures for disbursements in the books of the organization; and deposits all monies and other valuable effects in the name of the organization in such depositories selected by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall make the financial books and records of the organization available for examination and audit by independent accountants. The Treasurer will prepare a formal detailed financial report of the IAAD, which will represent the prior fiscal year’s financial status of the organization and be orally presented by the Treasurer at the IAAD Annual meeting. The Treasurer will solicit all membership dues and receive and process membership applications in collaboration with the Secretary. At the close of the elected term of office, the Treasurer will direct all past IAAD financial documents and related records to the IAAD Historian.


Section 5. The Member-At-Large shall hold office for two (2) years and shall not be eligible for reelection, consecutively. He or she shall participate as a member of the Board of Governors attending meetings and special meetings as scheduled. He or she represents the general membership on issues of interest or concern, particularly those that arise outside of the standing Board of Governor’s structure. The Member-At-Large, at the discretion of the President, conducts projects to further the goals of the organization, or to develop services for the membership, or may serve as chair of any ad-hoc committee formed to develop these projects. The Member-At-Large will serve as the Chair of the Long Range Program Committee. At the close of the elected term of office, the Member-At-Large will direct all past IAAD records of historical value to the IAAD Historian.







Section 1. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the IAAD shall begin with the first day of May and end on the thirtieth day of April each year.


Section 2. Annual Dues: The annual membership dues of the IAAD shall be $35 US Dollars (USD) for dentist members and $20 USD for all others. Issues pertaining to currency and rates of exchange shall be resolved by the Board. Any changes to the annual dues may be set by the Board of Governors with the approval of the general membership by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those present at the IAAD Annual Meeting. IAAD funds shall be used only for meeting the normal financial and administrative obligations of IAAD. Annual dues shall be payable to and collected by the Treasurer. Annual subscription is due and payable to the Treasurer on the date of joining and every year of membership thereafter. Any member who has not paid dues for two (2) successive years shall be duly notified by the Treasurer by e-mail or other written communication and may be expelled form the membership rolls after the next Annual Meeting as determined by the Chairman of the Membership Committee.


Section 3. Disbursements: All checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money issues in the name of the organization shall be approved by the President and signed by the Treasurer. Expenditures greater than ($100) US dollars necessitate Board approval.


Section 4. Budget: The Board of Governors will approve and adopt a budget for the IAAD each year. All funds of the organization not otherwise employed shall be deposited in a timely manner to the credit of the organization in such banks, trust companies, and other depositories as selected by the Board of Governors. To facilitate the transfer of treasury responsibilities, a financial institution with branches available throughout the US (minimum) and the world (ideally) shall be selected as possible.






Section 1. The Board of Directors may by resolution create administrative and/or ad hoc committees as necessary. Chairpersons of administrative committees will make regular reports of committee activities to the Board when required. Chairpersons of administrative committees may attend all meetings of the Board and will have a voice, but unless otherwise eligible as a member of the Board, will not vote when so attending. The three (3) standing committees of the IAAD are the Nominations Committee, the Membership Committee, and the Long-Range Program Committee.


Section 2. Nominations Committee: The Nominations Committee oversees and supervises the nomination and election procedures for the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member-At-Large of the Board. At the request of the President or as directed pursuant to these bylaws, the Committee may present nominations for other offices and positions of the organization. The Nominations Committee shall be formed of the immediate past President and 2 other members in good standing of the organization, not members of the Board of Governors, as appointed by the Board. The immediate past President shall serve as Chair of the Nominations Committee.


Section 3. Membership Committee: The Membership Committee consists of not fewer than two (2) volunteer members of the organization, in addition to the Vice-President, who serves as Chair of the Committee. The Membership Committee is responsible for monitoring, developing, and coordinating strategies to increase IAAD membership.


Section 4. Long-Range Program Committee: The Long Range Program Committee consists of not fewer than three (3) volunteer members of the organization, in addition to the Member-At-Large, who serves as Chair of the Committee. This Committee is responsible for developing, implementing, and coordinating strategies at the direction of the Board to realize the IAAD vision, mission, and goals described in Article II. This contribution may take the form of collaborative research projects, information gathering for the formulation of guidelines, coordination of scientific panels for presentation at professional forums, identifying and implementing training opportunities, etc.


Section 5. There shall be an IAAD Historian, appointed by the President and who shall hold office for three (3) years. The Historian will maintain all of IAAD historical files. The files will be composed of all annual written IAAD committee reports, meeting minutes, financial records, membership lists, copies of all published material pertinent to IAAD which appears in print, and any other business records or documents considered of value to the organization. Whenever possible, these files will be electronically maintained, unless the maintenance of a hard-copy record is also deemed necessary.






It is the policy of the IAAD to encourage and recognize the establishment of local chapters and subdivisions of its members. The Board shall have the authority to control the establishment, guidance, and termination of regional chapters and subdivisions and may establish regulations for this purpose upon such terms and conditions, as it may deem appropriate in order to further the mission and goals of the Association. The provisions of these Bylaws shall be equally binding upon the IAAD and all its regional sections, subdivisions, or chapters.








The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern IAAD proceedings in all cases to which they are applicable and consistent with the Bylaws or special rules of order of IAAD.





Any proposed amendment(s) to these Bylaws must be submitted to the Board of Governors for review at least sixty(60) days prior to the Annual Meeting and distributed by the Secretary to all members at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting. These bylaws may be amended at any Annual Meeting of IAAD by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members (i.e., members in good standing) present.



Revision History


Original           2 June 2008

Approved       22 July 2008

Amended         5 May 2009    See General Assembly Minutes of 5 May 2009

Amended         11 May 2010  See General Assembly Minutes of 11 May 2010

Amended         13 May 2014  See General Assembly Minutes of 13 May 2014

Amended         26 April 2016 See General Assembly Minutes of 26 April 2016